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Silk Road Intelligencer: News Roundup - July 27, 2007

Jul 28, 2007

News Roundup - July 27, 2007

The Economist: Security Versus Democracy
If you believe in realpolitik, it is a no-brainer.
Kazakhstan should chair the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in 2009. If you believe in the principles of democracy on which the OSCE was founded, the question of Kazakhstan is a no-brainer too: an undemocratic country should not chair one of the continent’s main democracy-promoting organization...
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: Kazakhs, Uzbeks Strengthen Media Grip Ahead Of Slated Elections
Two Central Asian republics are scheduled for elections in the coming months, with parliamentary elections set for mid-August in Kazakhstan and legislation calling for a presidential poll in Uzbekistan in December...
BusinessWeek: Reports Warns Against Many Internet Rules

Kazakhstan and Georgia are among countries imposing excessive restrictions on how people use the Internet, a new report says, warning that regulations are having a chilling effect on freedom of expression...
ARS Technica: The Internet in Kazakhstan: Welcome to the Land of $3,355 Per Month DSL
A new report from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (PDF) paints a grim picture of Internet access in Kazakhstan and shows how difficult life can be for those in poor and authoritarian countries who want to join the worldwide community of Internet users...
Radio Prague: Repatriating Kazakhstan's Ethnic Czechs
Since 1994, the Czech Interior Ministry and NGO People in Need have been working to repatriate Kazakhstan's ethnic Czechs. So far, over 700 have been brought back to the Czech Republic. This week, the Czech Interior Ministry upped the pace, asking for more money to carry out the repatriations, and promising to have the remaining 170 expats home by October. So far, so good - 57 of the final 170 touched down at Prague's Ruzyne airport on Thursday...
CACI Analyst: Election Authorities in Kazakhstan Warn of 'Black PR' Syndrome
As contenders for seats in parliament rev up a vigorous publicity campaign, candidates increasingly resort to dirty methods in order to damage the reputation of their rivals and win the favor of the electorate. In
Kazakhstan, dishonest tactics used in election campaigns is almost normalcy. The latest wave of blackmailing and smear reduces the promises of the Central Election Committee to hold fair and transparent elections to empty words...
Reuters: Indicators - Kazakhstan - July 27, 2007
Kazakhstan's economic indicators based on data provided by the State Statistics Agency, government institutions, the central bank and exchanges...

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